Click on MckMama's blog to get a better idea of what Not Me! Monday is, but I think it's hilarious. Basically you just admit to all the things you "would never dream of doing" (but did) the past week.
For example:
This week, while vacuuming out my van, I did not vacuum up tons of cheerios and curdled milk because I specifically remember (before having kids) saying that kids would never be allowed to eat in the car. If my kids are not allowed to eat in the car, where did the cheerios come from?
I definitely did not let my children watch the exact same Backyardigans video twice in a row because I was too tired to think of something more creative to do. (Evidently I was even too tired to pop in another video). That would be silly and a complete waste of time.
I would never lie to my daughter and tell her that ranch dressing was sour cream in an attempt to get her to eat some veggies. Lying is bad, and as a pastor's wife, I would never do that.
I definitely was not too lazy to go inside and grab a tissue to pick a dry, crusty out of Isaac's nose. That would be sick and gross. And after picking it, I certainly did not fling it across the front porch in an attempt to get it in the bushes. And after doing that, I most definitely did not help Isaac look for it because he wanted to see what was blocking his nasal passage. I mean, come on. Seriously, who does that?
(As for the last example - I would like to apologize to my mother. Really, she did teach me better than that.)