Saturday, May 30, 2009

red light, green light

My kids are runners. They love to run. We are "those people" you see at the mall or in Target who let their kids run. I'm glad they love it and get plenty of exercise while out running errands; however, they do need to stay relatively close by, so we play red light, green light. When they get too far away, I yell (at a somewhat reasonable tone) "Red light." They immediately stop until I catch up, and then they wait for me to say "green light" and they're off again.

Sometimes I feel like our life is a big game of red light, green light. There are days, like yesterday, when I want to yell green light all day long. I want them to hurry and grow. I want them to stop puking on me, pooping on me, spilling drinks all over the table, crying because their hair bow is stuck, fighting about anything, fighting about EVERYTHING, saying "Mommy, watch this" 800 thousand times, begging to watch tv, refusing to eat their chicken nuggets because they're too spicy, etc.

Most days though are like today. I want to yell red light. I want them to slow down, stop growing so fast. I want them to keep doing the things that make me love this "job" more than anything else: like giving sweet little hugs and kisses, playing make believe, running through Target with abandon, pretending their toys just pooped in the parking lot and finding it hilarious, climbing all over Daddy, having dance parties in the living room, playing t-ball in the front yard, laughing when they're supposed to be drinking a get the picture.

Today was a great day. Today was a red light day. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Seriously, where does the time go?

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