Wednesday, July 9, 2014

14 Years and Counting

Yesterday was my fourteenth anniversary with this crazy guy.

14 years.

And our anniversary was just about as romantic as an anniversary between two non-romantic people with three kids and no babysitter can be.......

After eating Moes (kids eat free on Tuesday nights) with friends and putting the kids to bed, we had a nice long budget talk and then watched a movie where Liam Neeson saves a plane full of 150 people. I know, right? Try to control your jealousy.......

But here's the thing, peeps - 

As unromantic as we may be, I wouldn't want to celebrate with anyone else.

I'm blessed beyond blessed to be married to this guy.

We don't always see eye to eye, and honestly, there have been two of the fourteen years that our marriage really struggled. Hard core struggles where anger and bitterness were more time consuming than lovey-dovey feelings. But we made a choice 14 years ago and that choice was to choose each other over and over and over and over and over again.

And I stand by that choice today.

I've made a lot of mistakes in my life but choosing him every day is not one of them and if you know him, you know why.

He's a great father, friend, pastor, leader, husband, and the man can rig up anything. ANYTHING.

On top of that? 
He's fun and stubborn and passionate and nobody can get me laughing the way he can.

So here's to another year down.

And we decided last night that next summer we're going to do something big to celebrate 15 years.

Like maybe watch a movie with Liam Neeson and Denzel Washington.?!
Things about to get cray cray up in here.



  1. happy anniversary!!! any hey, budget conversations can get sexy every now and then ;) LOL!

  2. Congrats to both of you! Lots of fond memories of our times shared in the last 14 years!
