Monday, March 7, 2011

Pink is Not my Signature Color.

I think I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this is the last time we will ever buy a house with all pink walls and high ceilings.


  1. Out on a limb is RIGHT! You are UP THERE missy! Hopefully the absence of pink (except in the Diva's room of course) will be worth it in the end. I sure hope there AREN'T more all pink houses out there! Next thing you'll tell us your front door is purple.....oops! Luv U

  2. You go girl! Did you have a nosebleed? Loved all of EG's outfits for Dr. Seuss week, especially the little apple dress! Hope Owen is feeling better. Love you.

  3. This is a pretty awesome picture! I know how you feel, when we moved into our house I had GREEN everywhere. I got so tired of painting over it!
