Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy One Year Anniversary, O-Dawg

I know, I know, to others this may seem like a strange date to celebrate something, but to me, June 13th has a lot of significance. It was Owen's first day at St. Joseph's. It was the beginning of a long journey for our whole family, and looking back, it was proof that God hears us and answers us.

And since I have the memory of a gnat, here are some examples of how many prayers God answered this year so one day when Owen asks about all this, I'll have proof written down. Otherwise I would probably say something like...."Yeah, I think maybe you had some trouble eating when you were little, but I don't really remember now. I remember you went to the doctor once or twice and then it was fine......Oh and it seems like we went to New York too. But that was probably just to see a play or something......"  Seriously. Moms forget these things. I believe God created us this way so we could forget all the crazy and continue procreating without having to be committed. If you don't believe me, ask your mom about raising you and your siblings and see if you find any discrepancies between her memories and yours. (No offense, Mom.)  :)

So anywho.....Answered Prayers:

Prior to June 13th, Owen was usually hanging out below the 3rd percentile and only ate about 5-7 baby foods. Now he hovers around the 10th percentile (and hopefully still growing) and eats a well balanced diet.

In the past year, we went from virtually no foods, to baby foods, to pureed table foods, to a diet that now consists of all solids and chewables.

In the past year he has gone from not knowing how to chew and swallow and feed himself to now feeding himself about 97% of the time. I don't remember the last time he gagged or threw up. Seriously. The fact that I can't recall the last time I had to catch vomit during a meal to keep it from ruining the food on his plate is a miracle. I know. Gross, right? Just keepin' it real, yo.

One year ago we watched him struggle through every meal and every OT/PT session, and now he sails through most meals and OT sessions. He gets good reports almost every week at OT. He transitions much easier and he loves to play in sand and water and is learning to try new things. He walks barefoot now. Barefoot. Like I'm talking without socks or shoes. Not for long periods of time, but he does it. He no longer gets out of bed to put shoes on while he sleeps. He is starting to make better eye contact with people and his conversation skills are evolving. 

One year ago we were exhausted mentally and physically.  Exhausted. Drained to the point that some of us me had to go on meds to help cope with everyday life. We trusted God, but every day was a tiresome battle that felt endless. Today we still have our good days and our bad days, but our good days are ever increasing. We don't know what lies ahead with schools and IEP's and we know we still have a lot to learn, but overall, life is much more peaceful and calm. Knock on wood.

One year ago we prayed for Owen to come off all the strong medications that altered his personality. Now he is off all but two. And the two he continues to take are the milder ones.

One year ago we prayed for him to eat a burger.
Okay, aside from a few force-fed bites, God hasn't gotten to that one yet, but we're working on it. And honestly, the cows are probably happier anyways.

So yes, June 13th is a big day in this house. St. Joseph's holds a special place in our hearts.  Early Intervention holds a special place in our hearts. Therapists (like Ms. Ashley, and Ms. Jessica, and Ms. Sara, and my sister) who spend their lives trying to help kids like Owen hold a special place in our hearts. People like you who follow this blog and have prayed with us and for us hold a special place in our hearts.

Can't wait to see what God has in store for our lil' man next year.

Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be to His glory and His faithfulness.


  1. I thought maybe, just maybe, I could make it through without a tear (of joy!).....but then that reflection of his awesome smile hit my heart and bang went the first of several tears (of joy again!).
    Love that you can list SO many of his milestones that were once the worries of our lives and the substance of our prayers.....God is SO good!

  2. the fun part is that I have gotten to run with you that entire year and I have too been amazed at how far all of you have come in such a short time! I am amazed and so happy that life is better!

  3. Many, many blessings have come our way. And oh so many prayers have been answered. I, too, am very thankful to St.Joseph's - they definitely worked miracles. And thankful that Owen has such a strong and supportive family. But mostly thankful that so many prayers have been answered by a loving Father. Owen is awesome!
