Thursday, September 17, 2009


This is an older picture of the boys - but one of my favorites! It has been interesting to watch Isaac in the role of older brother. He has mastered the role of younger brother. He knows exactly how to play with, listen to, tease, torment, and delight Emma Grace. That kid can get her laughing like nobody else and he can also tick her off like nobody else can. (And she can do the same for him...)

Along comes Owen....

What type of older brother will Isaac be?

I assumed (based on the fact that he once kicked a much older boy for throwing sand on Emma Grace) that he would be a protective older brother. The jury is still out on that one.

Today, Owen was crawling (yes, crawling - no longer inching) around in the mall play area. I had given him a rattle to play with when an older child came and tried to take the rattle from him. They were in a tug-of-war. Owen verses an "18monthish" old boy. I was about to step in when I spot Isaac hauling ass running across the area towards us. He stands next to Owen and surveys the situation. The other boy is pulling even harder and becoming more aggressive. I'm curiously watching, but am prepared to step in should Isaac (in an obviously heroic gesture) attempt to kick this boy.

He stops.
He surveys.
He turns to me and says:
"Mommy, Owen's not sharing."



  1. Awwwwwwwww :D Ever vigilant as the protector OF the "Mommy tattle", but probably one day will deliver that kick too! The picture.....beyond precious!

  2. Okay, maybe Isaac won't get to be a judge. But you never know.... Love the photo. Am anxious to see all of you. Love, Mom
