Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stupid Blog

Apparently I need to sweet talk my friend Barron into fixing my blog for me.
He fixed his wife's and did a great job.

The shoe thief pictures will one day be revealed,
although now they are probably so built up in your minds
that they can only disappoint.

(Although I still think they're pretty stinkin' cute....)

Since I can't post any pictures, I'll leave you with this note that was left for me on the kitchen counter tonight (complete with a drawing of me cooking):

"I Love YoU Mommy AND Win is Dinr Gna Be ReDY!"

1 comment:

  1. Ah, sweet notes for the chef! I love that you find little notes in the house meant just for you! I've got a few I've kept too from my visits there or your visits here! Priceless :)
