Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Crappy Trip to Target

I've decided that a mother's love is truly like no other.

I mean, think about it: if you were walking down the aisle at Target (where else would you be?) and a stranger came up to you and said, "excuse me, that man over there just pooped all over you and it is now running down your hip and lower back" you would FREAK out, right? There would be no controlling your wrath and you would probably strip down in the middle of the store and immediately burn the clothes you were wearing. (All the while realizing that your husband couldn't really get upset in that situation if you needed to spend money on new clothes to wear out of the store....)

But because it was this guy....I actually found it a little bit humorous.
(And rectified the situation with some free paper towels from the bathroom.)

This post is not meant to degrade Target in any way. This incident occured through no fault of their own, and in fact, the store clerk who realized I was too busy trying to keep my older two in sight to realize I had been shat upon pooped on, was quite informative and helpful. Had she not been on the schedule for the remainder of the night, she probably would have offered to follow me home and wash the soiled clothing for me after bathing and putting the cute little pooper to bed. :)


  1. This incident rivals the time Owen's daddy
    "left" a poop in aisle 3 while I was near aisle 5 trying to get him to come back to the long line that I was in at the pharmacy....for HIS medicine! His older (by 11 mo.) brother informed ALL of us that his little brother "shook out his poop over there." Not only was the clerk kind enough to quickly hand me some paper towels and a plastic bag, but he insisted I should be next when we returned to the line. Gee, I think everyone was happy to see us helped and then leave the store. It was a LONG time before I could use that store again!:D

  2. Thanks Mom! I have not "shook out my poop" in a store since. I think I learned my lesson. As for Owen, what can I say? Like father, like son!
