Friday, August 5, 2011

Darth? Is that you?

Sometimes it's annoying to share a room with your brother.

For example, when you want to dress up as Darth Vader but all your black accessories are in your bedroom and your mother won't let you go in there because Owen's napping?

Well this scenario can lead to drastic measures and compromise.

Isaac: "Emma Grace, I don't think Darth Vader ever wore a girls shirt that said 'love' in glitter."

Me: hysterical laughter.

Emma Grace: "Well, just turn the shirt around so the love is on the back."

Problem solved.

Now.....about those shoes.......


  1. Hilarious. And it's nice to know that after having such a rough early relationship, Darth and Princess Leia can now share clothes.

  2. Isaac is the sweetest brother.....I think his obsession with all things Darth may have started taking him to desperate measures in fashion. But it seemed to work :D

    Looking forward to seeing the Fab Fischer 5!

  3. Haha! I LOVE how he's posing! Such a cutie! (Though, I'm sure 'cute' is NOT exactly what he was going for!) Thinking about you guys! Hugs!
