Sunday, August 21, 2011

They're Going In.....


We'll be at the hospital before the sun rises tomorrow for my lil' man to get a procedure that includes but is not limited to one that is usually reserved for people over 50. He hasn't eaten since lunch today and has been such a trooper through the "prep" work. (Let's just say that cleaning out the colon can be invasive.....and gross.....)

Please pray that his esophagus still looks normal without any permanent damage.
Please pray for the biopsies from the esophagus, stomach lining, and colon to come back clear.
Please pray for us as it will most likely be a long day.

Please pray for my little fighter to go in with his normal scrappy fighting attitude.

I don't know much, but I do know that if anybody can handle a day like tomorrow - it's a combination of Spider Man and Darth Vader.

Or as I like to call him - "Sparth Vader."

Thank you, friends.


  1. good thing his mom is just as tough!!

  2. Praying! Go Sparth Vader! Go Super Mom! :) Please let us know how it goes.
