Friday, June 19, 2009

Busy Week

I didn't disappear. Promise.
I've been single parenting it all week.
A job that I do not envy, but greatly respect.

So, how have we spent our time while Todd's been out?

Playing in the sand at the church picnic...

Getting hyper after too much chocolate ice cream.
Is there such a thing as too much chocolate ice cream?

Playing chef in our daddy's football shirt and our sister's high heels.
(Yes, I know he will kill me one day for posting this.)

And all of us have done some of this...
(but not too much)

We've also gone swimming twice,
played in the rain, eaten out,
gone to UNC, gone on walks,
decorated the sidewalk, ridden bikes, etc.

Why do I mention all this?
To let you know that I'm tired.
Good, but tired.
Grateful for Nana who came to help,
but still tired.

PS. Owen decided this week that 5:30am is a much
more appropriate time to start the day than 7:00am.

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  1. Isaac has really beautiful legs...

  2. And this is Allisen, PS. I don't think that Kevin would comment on this... I am not sure that he has read any of this. You left out the part in your busy week about seeing your awesome sister-in-law THREE whole times!!!

  3. I will start saving now for the therapy sessions needed when Isaac is a teen and discovers this blog! Yikes.....but fun!! :D We are totally enjoying seeing all 5 grandkids in the awesome pics taken at your house last week....another busy activity! Grandma Fish
