Sunday, June 7, 2009

The big "A" word

At the playground the other day, a grandmother, there with her grandkids, and I were visiting. She asked me when we were going to have "the talk" with Isaac. I have to admit, I was confused and wondered if age 3 is really the best time to talk about the birds and the bees. She clarified that she was wondering when we were going to tell Isaac he's adopted. I kind of laughed and said, "you mean, what time today?" You see, we talk about Isaac's adoption openly on an almost daily basis. He loves to hear the story about how Mommy and Daddy flew on an airplane for 18 hours to "Opapia" to bring him home. He loves to hear about how he grew in his first mommy's tummy, but then came to live with us. He likes to look at pictures from the care center of the nannies who took great care of him.

I have to admit - I'm reveling in this time. I'm enjoying his questions and excitement about his adoption, because I know soon enough the questions are going to change from what happened, to why. Those questions are going to be a lot harder, but I will embrace them because they are Isaac's story. They made him who he is today and brought him home to complete our family.

The first time I saw and held my baby boy.

Isaac at the pool last week. Look at that smile.
That is his expression about 98% of the time.

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  1. I loved this post because it shows the true depth of love we all share in our family, one for another. I can't imagine our lives without the experiences Isaac has brought into them, just as the other 4 grandkids have. My 5 beautiful (and totally remarkable!!!) grandchildren make my cup runneth over! :D

  2. Awe...he's so sweet! Seems like just yesterday when yall went to go pick him up! Time really does fly huh!
